Automate Your VAT Refund Calculation

Key Benefits

We automate VAT refund calculation by using data analytics.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Error-proof lists are created compatible with the approved e-invoice and e-ledger data

Comprehensive Risk Reporting

VAT refund is calculated and reported by an algorithm with zero error in line with the given rule set

Early Warning System

Data set is obtained from ERP once and does not require manual processing, saves workforce

Precision Targeting

All controls are made before the calculation; tax office process is shortened; the refund file is quickly processed.

How it works?

Customs X-ray is a smart sampling data analytics tool designed to identify the riskiest customs transactions of a company with the capability to proactively identify and manage risks within their customs declarations. Here’s how our solution stands out.

Data Gathering

We obtain the required data from your ERP and other sources (einvoice, e-ledger, customs broker etc.)


We apply our rule set over the obtained data set and send back the inconvenient parts for correction.


VAT Refund Engine calculates burden VAT amount in line with the determined methods and rule sets.


Our engine prepares all monthly VAT refund lists compatible with the Authority’s list format.

Get started with us today!

Seize the digital advantage! Dive into a world of excellence with our services.